Welcome to the QDiabetes®-2018 risk calculator: http://qdiabetes.org

This calculator is only valid if you do not already have a diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

About you
Age (25-84):
Sex: Male Female
UK postcode: leave blank if unknown
Clinical information
Smoking status:
Do immediate family (mother, father, brothers or sisters) have diabetes?
Have you had a heart attack, angina, stroke or TIA?
Do you have high blood pressure requiring treatment?
Learning disabilities?
Manic depression or schizophrenia?
Are you on regular steroid tablets?
Are you on statins?
On atypical antipsychotic medication?
Women only
Do you have polycystic ovaries?
Do you have gestational diabetes (i.e. diabetes that arose during pregnancy)?
Leave blank if unknown
Fasting blood glucose (mmol/l):
HBA1c (mmol/mol):
Body mass index
Height (cm):
Weight (kg):

Welcome to the QDiabetes® diabetes risk calculator

Welcome to the QDiabetes® diabetes Web Calculator. You can use this calculator to work out your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes over the next ten years by answering some simple questions. It is suitable for people who do not already have a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes.

The QDiabetes® algorithm has been developed by doctors and academics working in the UK National Health Service and is based on routinely collected data from many thousands of GPs across the country who have freely contributed data for medical research.

QDiabetes® is intended for use in the UK. Recent NICE guidance recommends that GPs and other primary healthcare professionals use a validated computer-based risk-assessment tool, such as QDiabetes, to identify people on their practice register who may be at high risk of type 2 diabetes. The tool should use routinely available data from patients' electronic health records.

All medical decisions need to be taken by a patient in consultation with their doctor. The authors and the sponsors accept no responsibility for clinical use or misuse of this score.

The science underpinning the QDiabetes® equations has been published in the British Medical Journal, where it is known as QDScore®. We've changed the name because we think that it is better.

QDiabetes®-2018 includes some new or amended risk factors. See the paper describing the updated algorithm in the British Medical Journal here: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.j5019.